VALENTINO BARDINO | The Original Online Art Gallery




I was born in 1986 and I always have been interested in painting and the art world. In October 2013 I finished the master Degree at the Academy of Fine Arts in Turin where I specialized in Painting with Contemporary Art and Graphic Engraving workshop.

My project in recent years focuses on a particular type of landscape. A contemporary landscape in which I look for a continuous comparison perspective giving imprtance to the monochromatic background that I use in all my artworks.

40 × 30 × 5 cm
  • 493,61 €
40 × 30 × 3 cm
  • 470,10 €
40 × 30 × 3 cm
  • 470,10 €
40 × 30 × 3 cm
  • 399,59 €
80 × 100 × 3 cm
  • 411,34 €
80 × 100 × 3 cm
  • 470,10 €
100 × 80 × 3 cm
  • 470,10 €
40 × 30 × 3 cm
  • 470,10 €
40 × 30 × 3 cm
  • 411,34 €
40 × 30 × 3 cm
  • 423,09 €


- Collective Exhibit Here 59 Artworks 2014 London - itinerant Collective Babel curated by Roberta Vanali and Efisio Carbone: Cagliari, Oristano, Ulassai, Nuoro, Cagliari (Sardinia 2014-2013) - Exhibition Fondazione per l'arte Bartoli-Felter - Temporary Storing 2013 Cagliari - Collective Motor Village curated by Marco Cingolani 2012 Turin

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