Abigail McDougall | Page 2 | DegreeArt.com The Original Online Art Gallery

Abigail McDougall

Abigail McDougall

Falmouth College of Arts

Abigail McDougall is a watercolour artist based in Jamaica Street Studios in Bristol. Her new works entitled “The Floating World” and “Exotic Reflections” have developed gradually from her study of water and reflections over the last few years. She feels that watercolour is the perfect medium to capture water and she has finally come to distill her practice to focus on the water itself and the reflections on the surface.

On her beautifully crafted lily pads, Abigail McDougall says,

"I use elements like the lilly pads more as a compositional tool to help me paint the lights and darks of the reflections, the lilies are more of a vehicle for this and not so much the main subject of the painting."

In 2010, Abigail McDougall's work was short listed for the Urbis Prize. Her solo show “Art for Sustainable Transport” in March 2011 was held at the Royal West of England Academy in support of the Sustainable Transport Charity Sustrans.

33.5 × 39.5 × 3.5 cm
  • HK$4,492.38
41 × 48 × 3.5 cm
  • HK$5,490.69
41 × 48 × 3.5 cm
  • HK$5,490.69
40 × 60 × 3 cm
  • HK$6,488.99
33.5 × 39.5 × 3.5 cm
  • HK$3,494.07

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